Close shave for Coningsby Sergeant

Sergeant Lisa McFarlane, Flight Sergeant Simon Cross and Sergeant Dawn Reid after the shave was completed EMN-160701-171223001Sergeant Lisa McFarlane, Flight Sergeant Simon Cross and Sergeant Dawn Reid after the shave was completed EMN-160701-171223001
Sergeant Lisa McFarlane, Flight Sergeant Simon Cross and Sergeant Dawn Reid after the shave was completed EMN-160701-171223001
An Environmental Health Technician based at Royal Air Force Coningsby has raised almost £2,000 to support people going through the worst time of their lives by having her luscious locks shaved off.

Sergeant Dawn Reid wanted to raise funds for two charities that have recently provided support to some of her friends - Sands, the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity, and CLIC Sargent, for children with cancer.

Her long plait has also now been sent to The Little Princess Trust, who make wigs for children affected by hair loss.

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The event took place at a Christmas social event at RAF Coningsby and Dawn explained how the night went: “My head shave was started by the Station Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer Trevor Shippey and then finished by my colleague Sergeant Lisa MacFarlane from Royal Air Force Waddington.

“I also forgot to take a pair of good sharp scissors and so 10 minutes was spent running around trying to find some adequate office scissors to do the job of cutting off my plait - which has now been sent to The Little Princess Trust who make wigs for children affected by hair loss.

“I was also supported by another colleague, Flight Sergeant Simon Cross from RAF Cranwell, who has had a busy year himself raising funds for charities by completing 13 half marathons, in honour of his daughter Hannah who sadly lost her battle against cancer at the age of just 13 years old.

“I managed to raise £1,194.65 on my JustGiving page, which was brought up to £1,900 with donations on the night; this was split between Sands and CLIC Sargent.

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“Both Mrs Attridge, our Station Commander’s wife, and Flight Sergeant Steve Cartwright were instrumental in helping raise funds on the night as they stopped just shy of mugging people as they went to get their drinks!

“Afterwards I’ve never had so many people want to touch my head.

“I would like to thank everyone who made donations, especially considering it was just before Christmas.

“The funds raised really can make a difference to people going through the worst time of their lives.”

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