Council's new manager to boost housing-led economic growth

Di Krochmal, the new housing strategy and supply manager.Di Krochmal, the new housing strategy and supply manager.
Di Krochmal, the new housing strategy and supply manager.
The ambitions of West Lindsey District Council to increase and improve housing in the Gainsborough area has been boosted by the appointment of a key, new manager.

Di Krochmal takes the helm as the council’s housing strategy and supply chief, with a remit of delivering its vision for the district.

Di, who brings a wealth of experience to the post, said: “Our role is crucial if we are to realise our ambition to increase housing supply, meet housing need and transform our neighbourhoods. We will need to work with a range of partners, and I look forward to the challenge.”

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The appointment comes a year after the council launched its Invest Gainsborough Programme to attract more developers to the area. Eve Fawcett-Morale, director of economic and commercial growth, said: “Di’s role is a crucial strand of delivering housing-led economic growth.”

The appointment was welcomed by the council’s home choices manager, Michelle Howard, who said: “It will have a positive impact on the wellbeing of our communities. Getting housing right impacts on all aspects of life, including jobs, health, education, transport and regeneration.”