Scooter club goes coast to coast for hospice

Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173021001Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173021001
Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173021001
A group of 24 classic scooter enthusiasts from across North Lincolnshire have raised more than £2,200 for their local hospice riding out on a coast to coast challenge.

Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, travelled from their base at the Ingleby Arms at Amcotts, towards the west coast to Morecambe, then across to the east coast to Scarborough, before returning back home, covering more than 350 miles in three days, all in aid of Lindsey Lodge Hospice.

Tour treasurer Steve Gosling said: “Lindsey Lodge Hospice is our club’s chosen charity and we’ve already raised nearly £1,000 over the years.

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“It’s a charity, which has touched the lives of so many of us and we wanted to show our appreciation for the amazing care that’s provided there.

Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173008001Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173008001
Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173008001

“It was also about getting together with club members and making lots of happy memories along the way.

“We called this our ‘Bring me Sunshine Tour’ in honour of the hospice logo, which we proudly displayed on our leg shields, and our first destination point, the larger than life Eric Morecambe statue at Morecambe Bay.”

The riders travelled on to the iconic Freddie Gilroy statue at Scarborough’s North Bay, before making the journey home.

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Steve added: “We were supported by a back-up van and car, but I’m happy to say that we only had a few minor repairs along the way and all of our classic Lambrettas and Vespas made it all the way there and back!”

Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173008001Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173008001
Members of the Lost and Lonely Scooter Club have raised more than £2,200 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice EMN-170308-173008001

Lindsey Lodge Hospice is run as an independent charity to provide free, specialist care to people in North Lincolnshire with any progressive life-limiting illness, and supports their family and carers during illness and into bereavement.

Hospice Fundraiser Anne Millett said: “On behalf of the hospice, I’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part in this epic scooter ride!

“Every penny they’ve raised goes towards providing the highest standards of hospice care to our patients.”

To find out more about Lindsey Lodge Hospice, or to make a donation visit: