Review set to takeplace after '˜SnowPlan' frozen out'

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Town councillors in Horncastle are set to review their '˜Snow Plan' after claims it failed to operate during bad weather last month.

Horncastle was one of the worst affected towns in the county when the ‘Beast From The East’ struck, followed a couple of weeks later by the ‘Mini Beast.’

At a town council meeting last month, resident Andrew Neal complained the ‘Snow Plan’ failed to operate, leaving footpaths and other designated areas of the town in a dangerous condition.

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Mr Neal said he had written to the town council to raise his concerns and had received a reply to the effect that town council representatives responsible for adminstering the plan were snowed in themselves - or lived outside the town and could not travel because of the weather.

Mr Neal asked councillors if that was the case, what was the point in having a snow plan?

Town council chairman Coun Brian Burbidge agreed with Mr Neal and said the plan would be reviewed at the next council meeting in April.

Coun Burbidge said more volunteers were required to help grit pavements and clear snow.