Special visitor on Christmas Eve to Rasen

Joyful visitJoyful visit
Joyful visit
It is the time of year where members of the Market Rasen Christmas Tree committee gear up for the biggest event of the year.

Santa’s helpers were busy installing the town’s Christmas tree at the beginning of the month in the Market Place, which was officially lit after the children’s party.

The committee has supplied the tree for more than 70 years and they also make sure Father Christmas pays a visit to the town on Christmas Eve.

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In his annual letter to Rasen residents, committee spokesman, the Rev Cropper said: “I hope you have all seen the lovely Christmas Tree with its wonderful coloured lights in the Market Place.

“Thanks to those of you who have purchased raffle tickets or given donations to the Market Rasen Children’s Christmas Tree Fund; it is this generosity that enables Santa to come along to meet the children in the Market Place on Christmas Eve.

“Santa Claus is looking forward to meeting the children at the Christmas Tree in the Market Place; don’t forget to ask an adult to bring you along at 4pm on Christmas Eve, where he will be giving presents to all of the local children aged seven and under.

“We look forward to seeing you all on Christmas Eve – ho, ho, ho.”

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Always a popular event, Santa will be taking his traditional route, travelling along Queen Street on his ‘reindeer-drawn’ sleigh to the Market Place, where his helpers from the Christmas tree committee will help distribute the presents.